Gerber Yogurt & Fruit Juice Blend, Banana
Sitter. Pasteurized after culturing. From concentrate. 1/2 serving of yogurt; fruit from juice per bottle (1/2 cup 100% juice may count as one serving of fruit per day at most. Other servings should come from mashed or pureed peeled fruits). Each bottle contains: 2 oz yogurt; 1/2 serving of fruit from juice (1/2 cup 100% juice may count as one serving of fruit per day at most. Other servings should come from mashed or pureed peeled fruits). 54% juice and fruit pasteurized for premium quality. Nestle - Good food. Good life. We handpick all of our bananas. Good source of calcium from whole yogurt. We're awake when you are! Call us 24/7: 1-800-4-Gerber.